Grants Development Officer
Company: City of Atlanta
Location: Atlanta
Posted on: September 28, 2024
Job Description:
Salary: $63,000 General -Description -and -Classification
-Standards This position manages key functions essential to the
programs and initiatives of the Mayor's Office of Cultural -Affairs
(OCA) and -is crucial -to -the financial -viability of -the
-office. The OCA -currently -manages the ability -to -generate
revenue -and -sponsorship -funds -for -specific cultural -programs,
-such -as -the -Atlanta Jazz Festival, ELEVATE public art festival
and other programs and events produced by the OCA. This position
-is primarily responsible for managing the sponsorship development
(includes utilizing appropriate grant funding resources and the
promotion of the OCA's programming). Supervision Received Works
-under -general supervision, -reporting -to -the -Executive
Director. Core responsibilities include the management and
promotion of sponsorship opportunities and managing any personnel
(contract or employee) that will work on the promotional and
sponsorship efforts -of -the -office. -This -position -requires
working -knowledge -of -basic -modes -of -non-profit -fundraising,
marketing, promotion and advertising. Essential Duties These -are
-typical -responsibilities -for -this -position and -should -not
-be -construed as -exclusive -or -all- inclusive. -May perform
other duties as assigned. The -employee -in -this -position -will
-be -responsible -for -working -with -OCA -management -and -other
-City officials to promote OCA's programs and services, under the
direction of the OCA Executive Director. Responsibilities will
include the execution of promotions aimed at generating additional
revenue for specific -OCA -programs. -These -task -are -inclusive
-of -but -not -limited -to: -promoting -the -Atlanta -Jazz
Festival, promoting the ELEVATE Atlanta festival, promoting OCA's
various services geared to Atlanta's art community, managing
publication the OCA's monthly e-newsletter -and all email marketing
and developing -social -media -initiatives/promotions -in
-conjunction -with -the -City -of -Atlanta's -social -media
policies and guidelines. This position is responsible for
establishing and maintaining relationships with OCA's sponsors and
partners -and -for -maintaining -reports -on -all
-initiatives/campaigns/programs -created to -promote -the -OCA and
its programs and services. Reports should detail the program's
effectiveness, logistics, exposure, and cost. In addition, a
monthly report should be submitted to the Executive Director
reviewing work and all pending action items.This -position -is
-responsible -for -managing -the -OCA's -contacts for -all
-sponsorship -efforts, -marketing and advertising. This is
inclusive of but not limited to: working directly with appointed
vendor representatives, coordinating meetings between OCA and
vendor(s), managing and executing billing repayment functions for
said contracts.This position will also be responsible for the
preparation of procurement documentation for all OCA advertisement
placement initiatives. This task is inclusive of but not limited
to: negotiation and acquisition -of -estimates/pricing -for -ad
-placements, -preparation -of -justification -documentation, -entry
-of request to OCA procurement system, management of procurement
process for requested initiatives.Employee -in -this -position may
-also -oversee development -and -management -of
-advertisementplacement/insertion -for -OCA's -efforts in -the
-areas -of -print, -online/web, -radio -and -television
-advertising.May -train -and -supervise -assigned -planning,
-technical -or -professional -staff.
Keywords: City of Atlanta, Atlanta , Grants Development Officer, Other , Atlanta, Georgia
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